Mid October?!

by Kelsi in , ,


How did we get here already? It's only two weeks until Halloween with the holidays seemingly right around the corner...

We spent the last week of September in Maui with our extended family. Eight adults and four kiddos three and under. It was a rather magical trip for us and a huge milestone for me as a parent. Up until now, to be honest, travel with a toddler wasn't very fun. Having to constantly entertain on the airplane, trying to "reason" with a two year old why they can't walk down the aisle when the seatbelt sign is on, managing security...and then once you finally make it, there are the usual routines you have to stick to, nap times...it is not a vacation no matter what tropical island you find yourself on. 

But this trip, this trip! There were no nap times, no battles, no negotiating. Just pure joy. And I saw my son in an entirely new light. He's a boy, not a toddler. My boy that I just wanted to hang with day after day. For six days, we woke up, went to the same quiet beach to play in the waves and swim with turtles until midday, returned to the house to eat lunch, and then swam in the pool all afternoon until bedtime. D was in bed by 7:30pm and us at 8:00pm. There were no phones, no computers, no book reading even. It was heaven and I'm still feeling high from it all. 

Now we're back at home in the groove, attending preschool and enjoying our finished(!) basement...

I've taken our Maui experience and applied it to our every day life, namely me letting go of my never-ending to-do list and embracing more time at the park and watching construction sites for longer than I would have previously allowed...

And though it doesn't really feel like fall yet with our still-warm temperatures, I've been happily pulling out the boots and jackets anyway with a few new additions to the closet...

I just bought these Sorels that have long been on my wishlist (sizing tip, I had to order a half size up).

And a new favorite pair of jeans from Madewell (shown above with this really great oversized cotton/linen top and my beloved Dicker boots). I also picked up this jacket from the Uniqlo + IDLF collaboration that I mentioned here and it is so good.

Life After Life has been on my reading list for a long time and I finally had a chance to read it and I loved it. Now I want to read everything Kate Atkinson has ever written.

On the cooking front, I've been wild for this super easy roast chicken and potato dish. I love Melissa Clark and trust her taste implicitly and this one really impresses. I've made it a handful of times in recent weeks and have been sharing it with everyone I know. (Cook it on a sheet of parchment and the clean-up is practically nothing.)

Lastly, I've been inspired by this Ted Talk...

I first watched it a month or so ago when a client shared it with me (thanks Sharon!) and I've thought a lot about it since. Given what I do, posture and the power of posture is always at the forefront of my mind. Take a few minutes out of your day and watch her inspiring talk.